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intuVision VA - Vehicle Queue Monitoring


Using a combination of intuVision VA Parking and Traffic module capabilities, intuVision VA is well positioned to provide detailed queue metrics for both short (30s-3m) and, long (hour+) wait times, and everything in between.

Video Analytics Solutions for Vehicle Queue Monitoring

intuVision debris prevention thumbnail
Queue monitoring in a ferry station

Spanning many application areas, including traffic flow, Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) drive through lanes and even wait times for ferries, intuVision VA Vehicle Queue monitoring is sure to have a solution for your specific requirements.

With tailored algorithms , optimized to work at different wait durations, and for various application areas, intuVision VA is well positioned to offer a solution regardless of your use case, or changing requirements.

Longer term waits, such as the hour+ long queues as vehicles wait to board ferries, or for QSR mobile order pick-up areas where vehicles are only stopping for a short time, are best handled with intuVision VA Parking - which can track stopped vehicles both over short durations, and can also maintain a vehicle's status for hours, or even days.

Shorter duration queues, such as for QSR drive through lanes, with vehicles only waiting for seconds or minutes before moving forward, and where vehicle tracks need to be maintained as they move through the lane, is best managed with intuVision VA Traffic.

All the queue wait-time data can be viewed in the intuVision Review Application with various report formats including graphical reports, which can be emailed to users, or the data can be exported as a CSV file. intuVision VA's Data API and Output Triggers allow you access all wait-time data to use your own dashboards. If you are looking to combine this data with additional information from other sources or, event instance, duration, and more can be obtained through HTTP(S) triggers or through the Data API.

intuVision Advantage

Whatever your scene or application, intuVision's licensing flexibility, with the modules and compound events, and beyond that with quickly trained, reliable object classification, ensure intuVision VA will be able to provide you with the required data. With our patented award-winning algorithms and years of experience we are confident that we have the solution for you.

intuVision VA allows use of multiple cameras and seamlessly combine the data from each section to cover the entire distance of a vehicle queue, which is essential especially for the longer duration queues.

intuVision analytics offer a flexible solution, both in the design phase, regarding camera positioning and event types, as well as in the operational phase, in how the data is made available to management teams and the decision makers in real-time.

Deployment Recommendations

Roof mounted cameras, providing clear and unobstructed views of vehicles are ideal for this application. Because of the way intuVision VA is designed, especially for the longer duration queues, multiple cameras can be used seemlessly to cover each queue, allowing for good views of the entire distance of the vehicle queue.


QSR Drive-Through - close to top down, allowing good separation between vehicles - 3-4 vehicles monitored.

Gas Station Vehicle Monitoring - Close to top down, able to monitor vehicle directly below camera and vehicle in front.


Airport Curbside Pick-Up - poor camera quality, moderate camera view, capturing four vehicles in the view with only moderate blockage.

Ferry Vehicle Queue - Good camera view, high camera placement. Another camera needed for the back of the lanes & those on the other side.