Version 16 positions intuVision VA as the ideal video analytics system, enabling deployment scalability through API configuration. We are excited for the opportunities this will bring our users.
Sadiye Guler, Founding CEO & President intuVision, Inc.
intuVision VA 16.0 even better analytics and new functionality!
- Configure intuVision VA via our new API server without using the intuVision Admin Application:
- Add enable/disable/delete the cameras
- Configure camera settings and make changes as needed
- Set up event rules, including adding event zones, changing event settings, adding schedules
- Collect classification training data, remotely view the training samples, and train classification models
- Copy training data and classification models from one camera to another
- New system events for status and health available with external triggers and in Review Application. Options include:
- Manage licenses, web server security
- License renewal alerts
- System resource usage events: CPU, memory, disk space
- intuVision services status events
- Add new users, manage existing users, delete users
- Algorithm improvements and new options for intuVision Parking events, including collecting periodic event snapshots throughout the life of the event.
- Updated and expanded the Smoke & Fire Detector, improved performance across many different environments and scene types.
- Updated 3rd party libraries, including: CUDA 12.1, PostgreSQL 16.0, and others