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intuNews Issue 88


Announcing intuVision Edge 10.0!

We are excited to bring more of the intuVision algorithms and tools to your smart cameras, with intuVision Edge 10.0. This release offers new tools for event management & a brand new event, Parking Spot!

intuVision® Video Analytics

Solutions for Every Application

intuVision Edge Parking Spot   quote left

With such a unique and wide range of Edge Analytics to choose from, the intuvision Edge 10.0 has easily met our needs.

Stephanie Cramer,
Field Service Engineer

quote right

intuVision Edge 10.0 new event, new tools

  • Run Parking Spot analytics directly on your AXIS cameras:
    • Entirely on-board solution for detecting spot occupancy and monitoring usage
    • On camera reporting to access daily/hourly counts of vehicles parking in the selected space
    • Start/End times and Duration for vehicle stays, available through intuVision Edge API
    • Easy deployment, with marking the parking space and adjusting the sensitivity
    • One parking space monitored per camera as a practical alternative for invasive physical spot sensors
    • Can be used in conjunction with other events
  • Expanded tools for event management, to configure storage options, and delete events/data as needed, including:
    • Event counts for reporting
    • Event details, such as start/end times, from the API and the intuVision Event Manager
    • Heatmap data for motion or dwell heatmaps
  • Overall usability improvements, and updated firmware compatibility

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