Shopping Plaza Vehicle Counts
"intuVision Traffic gave us a convenient way to look at our daily vehicle entry and exit counts at the main gate. For the past year we have been using intuVision VA by remotely connecting from our desks to review the counts and share reports with management and store owners. Our customers are the businesses renting retail and restaurant spaces. intuVision VA vehicle count reports provided tangible business intelligence data for our existing and potential customers. After the initial setup, the system has been working without any oversight.”
Graham Eddy, Vice President, Capital Commercial Properties, Inc.
Art Museum Visitor Counting
"Having video analytics technology to keep guest counts has been invaluable. Our guest services staff is now able to focus on greeting and assisting our visitors. In addition, (to counting visitors) the software allows us to have more comprehensive data to analyze and determine trends, critically important information used for training and planning future programs and exhibitions."
Director of Operations
Customer Traffic Reports - exacqVision Integration
"intuVision VA Retail counts over 17,000 customers weekly at each of our 5 locations, providing information for retail leasing partnerships. Leveraging intuVision’s video based people counting solution, we were able to generate accurate people counts quickly and efficiently without significant cost or hardware deployment. With intuVision’s remote optimization service, support was always accessible.”
- Don Gooding, Director of Operations, USI Integrated Solutions, Inc.
Materials Reuse Center - Vehicle Counts and Dwell Duration
"intuVision VA has been the perfect all-in-one solution for our Materials Reuse Center, intuVision’s Review Application provides us detailed reports for various donation tracking metrics in an easy to access format. intuVision team was very easy to work with, in every stage of the project. They guided us with camera selection and positioning; then remotely configured the analytics to not only meet but exceed our requirements; without us needing to learn how to use a new software!”
Joe Pitts, Program Director - Materials Reuse Resource Central
International High-End Retailer Customer Counting
"intuVision VA Retail system serves a double duty of security and business intelligence video analytics. intuVision video analytics gave us accurate counts of customer entry and exits without the need for a dedicated camera over the door We are able to protect our stores, products, and people while offering other departments metrics to improve their operations and sales revenue."
C. J. Denton Director of Loss Prevention
Car Dealership
"intuVision VA detects intruders instantly and sends alarms to be reviewed by our monitoring center operators increasing our efficiency and enabling timely actions.”
Bill Reilly, Viewpoint Monitoring
Vehicle Anti-Tailgating
Low cost, high accuracy alternative to hardware anti-tailgate solutions. Minimal configuration, simple setup and reliable performance to mitigate security concerns due to vehicle tailgating.
Construction Intrusion Detection
"intuVision VA detects intruders instantly and sends alarms to Monitoring Station, ensuring security and decreasing monitoring service costs. There are many companies that do similar work; deploying boxes with analytics to eliminate false positives. But what draws me to intuVision is the unparalleled customer service, the support team's willingness to help out at any cause, and the sense that I get that you stand behind your products and services."
Jonathan Tapper, Maryland Security Professionals
Protecting Customers & Vehicles in Large Parking Garage
"Large scale deployment was implemented remotely by myself and intuVision support team, working in partnership with integration company to roll out the analytics on all 88 cameras with a minimum of man hours. Flexible intuVision support ensured optimal results with minimum training from the new partner.”
Smart City
"City of Coral Gables’ top priority is to provide its citizens and tourists a safe and comfortable environment, using intuVision traffic video analytics we are able to collect and analyze data to achieve that. intuVision’s in-camera and the server-side analytics count vehicle and pedestrians from our existing video cameras and provide us reliable traffic data to help improve city’s operations and services."
Efrain Fleites, IT Network Analyst l, City of Coral Gables
Vehicle Turn Counts with Post-Processing
Using intuVision VA Traffic with Post-Processing in our office we get the vehicle counts when we need them, without having to send video out and waiting for counts from third party companies or wasting man-hours on manual counts.
- Kenneth Brown, Project Technician IV, Houston Public Works, Texas
Lane Based Vehicle Counting
"Working within the constraints of a remote location, intuVision VA Traffic is able to obtain real-time, highly accurate counts of vehicles for each lane of the checkpoint. Without installing expensive invasive sensors, the staff can see detailed reports, separated by lane and classification type.”
Emerald Isle Traffic Planning
“By utilizing intuVision system at our main intersection that leads to and from Emerald Isle, we were able to quickly gain a better understanding of our traffic counts and patterns. With a largely seasonal and transient population, this data has been eye opening and will be beneficial as we plan for the Town’s future.”
“The system gives us an easy approach to counting the amount of vehicles traversing through these areas, using our existing cameras. We look forward to being able to compare this data year over year."
"As a result of the data gathered at our first location, we have since expanded it to other high-traffic areas throughout the town.”
-Town Manager Matt Zapp
Manufacturing Loss Prevention
"By counting and comparing the numbers of dough balls, baked and packaged bread from conveyor belt cameras in real-time, the factory can pinpoint the problems during each production run. Due to the asynchronous nature of the bread making process and the high speed of product moving on the conveyor belts, other counting solutions did not work well. We choose intuVision video analytics system to accurately count each phase of the production line and associate production cycles in reporting. Our camera system with intuVision Video Analytics detects where the production losses are and prevents them."
Emil Filipovski, Managing Director, IntellModus
Serial Number Identification
Hensel assigns contract/serial numbers to containers coming from each of their customers. When boxes from a customer is placed at a work-station, the contract number printed on a paper is placed at a post in the work area. Six cameras are positioned to see each of the processing stations throughout the recycling center. The video is ingested into intuVision VA directly from the camera streams. A dedicated intuVision VA server processes all video in realtime, detects and recognized the contract number text and stores all images with associated numbers. The server is capable of storing images for up to six months.
Matching Faces for a Secure Facility
"intuVision System works very well giving 100% security, in case of a breach, the complete record of people entering secure areas is available and easily searched. intuVision’s integration with exacqVision allowed us to easily select the cameras for face detection, and get the system running quickly. Enrollment across cameras decreased setup time, we got good results with minimum effort."
Rafael Danino, Grente General, Robot- Controle Automatizado
intuVision has always been on the forefront of video content analysis technology with extensive R&D. We are dedicated to continuously advancing the intelligent video content extraction algorithms used in our products and custom solutions.